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Submit your pictures of Newf Neighborhood gatherings you attended and we'll post on this page:
(please be patient while all the photos load, you can click on any thumbnail to view large image)

Christmas 2001

(please be patient while it loads... it's worth the wait)

10/28/01 Howl-o-Ween Mantua, OH

Well Newf Neighborhood did it again... Won First Prize for the Howl-o-Ween costume!  Rufus came in 1st place and Pebbles and Dino came in 4th place.  Blazin' Bills is a fantastic place... a huge barn with wood burning fire place.  The DJ provided some great music as we danced, with our newfs, to the Cotton-Eyed Joe.  The pet games were a blast as we teamed up to win those doggy treats!  The hot cider was a nice touch, especially with the Captain, Morgan that is!  The food was fabulous with BBQ ribs & chicken, corn on the cob, baked potatoes, and salad.  The weather was just perfect and we definitely will be going back next year!
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Jammin' Rufus as Bob Marley Pebbles & Dino as
Bride & Groom
Winners of the Costume Contest
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Hawken Judy & Rufus Sable & Rocky Kelli handin' out everyone's favorite doggy biscuits
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Dinner Newf Neighbors Newf Neighbors John & Hawken doing the relay
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Al & Rufus in the Relay Gina, Pebbles, Randy & Dino in the Relay Gina & Pebs in the Sock contest Gina & Pebbles doing the Cotton-Eyed Joe, "Steppin' in What"?
9/9/01 Canine Fun Days
Polo Field, Moreland Hills
In a word... WOW!  What a great time Newf Neighborhood had at the Polo Field in Moreland Hills, Ohio. Hi-80's and sunny with a fabulous breeze!   So many different breeds were there showing off their unique talents.  The exposure to our precious Newfoundland breed was a great success with many thanks to the wonderful neighbors who brought their newfies for the weekend.  From 6 month-old Madeline to big Hawken, everyone was able to see the "before" and "after" of a Newf.  We even had several new neighbors come for the event; one of them from Port Clinton stayed overnight to attend the event, and the other forgot to bring their Newf "Canada" (I teased her we wouldn't let her live this one down)!  And we even got more neighbors to join.  Sunday morning was the "Blessing of Animals" by a priest (sort of like a baptism).  
There were contests held each day including; Best Costume, Best "Buns", Prettiest Eyes, Egg & Spoon Race, Tail Wagging Contest, Best Trick, Kissing Contest and even a Couch Potato contest.
One of the main objectives this weekend was to raise money for Newf Rescue with a Chinese Auction.  I would like to take this opportunity to give special thanks to Kelli & Danielle Coleman of Kanine Kafe for their diligent efforts in obtaining so many of the donations.   Newf Neighborhood raised $199 through the sale of raffle tickets and Newf Neighborhood apparel... Way To Go!!!!
8/19/01 Cleveland Museum of Natural History
Well we certainly made an impression!  Newfoundland Dogs being one of numerous breeds representing Hero Dogs this weekend.  People were so amazed at what our newfies are capable of.  With a video running and our display of carting and water rescue paraphernalia, we had the perfect opportunity to educate the public about our fabulous breed.
Deb, Don & Karin.
Newf Neighborhood set up right in front of the Dunk... (can you believe we actually had a shark that big in our Rocky River), unbelievable!
Nah, we weren't havin' any fun! Gina & Randy sporting their new Tshirts and Hats.
Great job Kelli.
Kelli's Kanine Kafe & Newf Neighborhood. Karin with Mukluk & Kutya. The Neighborhood!
The neighbors in front of Dunk! Arlene, Dan, Gina & Randy.  Look at the size of that Dunk compared to Dan!  Dan explaining just how big Dunk is!
The Neighborhood! John & Hawken Pebbles & Dino.
Gina & Kelli Dino whispering, "Mommy I love you, but can we go home now"?
7/15/01 Richmond Hts. Parade/Family Day Picnic,
Richmond Hts.
A great turn out of neighbors and 2 newcomers :)
What a grand time yesterday despite the weather being a tad warmer than we anticipated.  Newf Neighborhood certainly had a lot of attention with 12 newfies of all ages, including 4 puppies and 2 carts!  What a treat with all those belly rubs, hugs, biscuits, fruit and such.  The children had a blast with all the festivities of swimming, games (could the kids get any more candy <vbg>), inflatable slides, huge playground, rock climbing and so much memorabilia from Euclid Beach Park --rocket ride, roller coster carts, Laughing Sal, Gorilla and the Clown (which every newf barked at, seemed they didn't like the clowns hat?)  We were serenaded by a 30-piece Air Force orchestra and Reggie and oldie bands throughout the day.  Slider (Cleveland Indians mascot) made a special appearance and had tons of pictures taken while he hugged the newfs and picked up the puppies!
A great mix of food besides what we brought to grill included Chinese food, desserts galore and the best was Euclid Beach Taffy and Cotton Candy.
The City of Richmond Heights were wonderful in providing us a (complimentary) canopy and a large shaded area under the trees for our furry friends.
Geoff tried his best at the horseshoe competition, but the walk in the parade got the best of him!  Next year Geoff!! 
A special thank you to newcomer Kelli (and Sable) of Kanine Kafe donating home-made dog biscuits and donating the proceeds to Newf Rescue.   The newfs just loved the biscuits and you can purchase more at http://www.kaninekafe.com if you want.  Kelli also had her precious 3-year old Sable sporting a Newf Neighborhood bib and a few T-shirts were seen within the group.  T-shirts and bibs will be available to purchase and proceeds going to Newf Rescue. 
Peanut anxiously awaiting for mommy to saddle up the gang! Who's pulling the cart? I'm not pulling the cart!
Dino & Pebbles patiently waiting for the parade to start Karin's still working on getting them harnessed. One puppy, two puppy..
Nicole and Katie, "Gotcha Ya"! Cleveland Indian's Slider resting with the Neighborhood... Slider earning his keep with belly rubs!
5/27/01 Blossom Festival Parade,
Chagrin Falls

I still can't get over what a huge parade it was, sooooo many spectators and everyone really got into it!!  All our newfies managed to get through being exhausted with all the horns, sirens, "Who's got the Chicken" shots, etc.  An hour of rest and water did the trick!  What luck Newf Neighborhood has, made it through the whole parade without getting wet (yeppee).  We didn't get home until 9:30 making for one heck of a long day.  What a grand time!  Katie, Nichole and Avery did a wonderful job carrying the banner and handing out candy (what troopers they were!)  I think it's unanimous... Sam stole the show.  At only 10 weeks, Sam's "coming out" party was a true success.  If we only had a camcorder to capture all the spectators saying "OOOHHHHH, how cute, look at the puppy"!!!!!  I do think it was a perfect way to show the before and after of our precious newfies.   

 Nichole, Katie and Avery heading up the Neighbors! Bobbi, Gina and Dino Getting all psyched up to march!
Karin and her hand-painted cart (check out the detail on this including the paw prints on the bars) And finally... the star of the show, Sam!  At 10 weeks his whole body is about the size of Pebbles head!
5/19/01 Guiness Book of World Records for Canoes,

Well Newf Neighborhood did it (helped anyways)... 

Broke the Guinness Book of World Records for the most canoes/kayaks --  776

Thank you neighbors for making yesterday such a wonderful event!  We couldn't have ordered a better weather day with 71 degrees and a sky full of sunshine!!!   I was very impressed with what the park had to offer.  We had our picnic tables, grill and booth at river side which allowed the kids and furry kids to cool off in the 8" deep river, yes 8", with a picturesque waterfall coming off the dam, rolling green hills and beautiful foliage abound.  Just above us at the top of the hill was the lake where Arlene and Dan Carr and Karin Marsick of PONC gave a water rescue demo to an astoundingly large group of spectators who just marveled at what our newfies were capable of doing.

Our booth Dan and Arlene Carr soaking up the sunshine! The Neighborhood takin' a break in the shade.
Mukluk and Kutya
(and Karin's sexy legs)
Pebs and Dino enjoying the 8" deep (or should I say shallow) river The Westman's "time to start up the grille".
Dan and Karin preparing for the Water Rescue Demo Spectators eagerly awaiting the Water Rescue Demo
4/29/01 Lake Farm Park,

It may be a small mention, but we did make FRONT PAGE!!!

The Gang! Dan Carr of PONC, giving a water rescue demonstration. Dino getting kisses from a baby bull (seems I didn't click the camera fast enough to show this boys 10" tongue)
3/11/01 St. Patty's Day Parade,

As the caravan traveled along the OH Turnpike we were crossing our fingers that the rain/snow would stop (at this point we hoped to God the weathermen would be right for once)!  ...and we actually managed to stay dry.  Yes, the sun did come out, the paddy wagon kept us warm, and all the children brought smiles to our faces too!  Newf Neighborhood  joined forces with PONC which provided a truly grand entrance for all the newfies... carts of all shapes and sizes carried everything from beads to babes.  I think everyone would agree the most common comment we all heard was, "Look, it's a bunch of Beethoven's"!  We were all happy the route was on a hill going down, leaving behind us a trail of greenery (hats, garters, beads, feathers)... seems our newfs couldn't keep all the gaudiness intact.  And one of our neighbors, Callie, sported a Newf Neighborhood lime(y) green tee-shirt with our new logo on it!

St. Patty's Day Cake
Gina brought a custom made cake!  (I don't bake) Resting our weary feet after the parade.  PONC member, Joyce Butler, standing by her "home-made" wagon in full greenery! Some of the great carts and wagons pulled by the newfies. Tammy's "Barney" kissin' on Pebs!
PONC Activities Director, Tammy Flaminio, takin' a break with a Shriner's Krazy Kop. Kim keeping warm!
(compliments of RJ, a Krazy Kop!)
Karen before dressed in full gear! Kim, Tammy & Gina... Getting ready to march!
Callie sporting the Newf Neighborhood logo on her t-shirt! (too many Bloody Mary's?)
Heck I don't know what this is, looks like the Northern Lights to me, but the colors are beautiful.
John, did you steal Hawken's hat? Pebs whispering, "Mom, can we please go home now?"
3/4/01 Mastic Park,
Rocky River

Even if you get lost, just look for the herd of newfies... very easy to spot!  We had a great turn out with some new neighbors adding to the fun.  Great creek for shallow water frolicking!  But then we had to find our newfies chomping away at a deer (yuck)!  And Zoe, the instigator, pissing in Pebs ear about what Briscoe was saying behind her back (vbg/shaking my head).  One thing for sure, these outings sure spark quite a few "inside jokes" for those that attend (lol).

A special thank you to Denise for the wonderful Black & White photos!

Hawken kissing Zoe (it's really the other way around, LOL)
...brings a whole new meaning to "cheek-to-cheek" Hawken & Zoe, "I'll keep an eye out on this end of the park, you check out the other end". ...looks like a budding romance!
Callie & ? Lucy, Strike A Pose!
(eat your heart out Madonna)
Briscoe... how regal. Hawken
(we're going to need panoramic cameras for these big boys)
Bill, "Gross, deer meat!"
(thank God this is not in color)
Splish, Splash they are gonna need a bath! Zoe all washed up (tee-hee) Zoe & Briscoe
2/18/01 Huntington Beach,
Bay Village

A great time had by all... From laying down in the frigid waters of the creek, to playing soccer with the Wufer ball and catching the Frisbee, to chasing tennis balls and swimming in Lake Erie.  Oh, and I must mention how they chased off all the seagulls and tried taste testing all the dead fish on the shore (lol)!  We had quite a gathering at the beach and the view was fabulous from the lighthouse.  The best part, I'm sure, was having to pick out all the burs!

Soccer anyone? Zoe and Pebbles Time for some Hot Chocolate! Matt and newfs
Pebbles (pant-pant), "gotta get the Wufer ball before someone else does" Zoe and Pebbles strolling along the beach of Lake Erie.
-would be romantic, except they're both females
Takin' a break... time for some Hot Chocolate! Matt and newfies, "which way did the Frisbee go"?
Briscoe (aka Boscoe), "Look ma, there's a creek!" Briscoe, Pebs & Zoe,
"Ahhh, does this feel good"!
Pebbles all pooped out!
 (if you can believe it)
Soccer anyone?

Briscoe & Zoe, "Life is Good"! Briscoe just taking in the scenery. "Lookie what I caught"! Matt & Zoe
Lucinda & Briscoe

A special
to Denise and Pat for all these wonderful pictures!

Callie, "Mommy, I'm hungry, feeeed me"! Bill, Zoe, Callie & Matt Gina & Pebbles
1/27/01 Squires Castle, Willoughby Hills The gathering was great, despite the FRIGID temperatures.  What a wonderful sight to see a "pack o' newfs" frolicking on the enormous front lawn of Squire's Castle.  The sound of the stampede herding for the Frisbee was simply awesome!   We also enjoyed hot chocolate while toasting marshmallows and warming our toes (and butts) in front of a crackling fire.  We teased parents asking if they wanted our newfies to pull their children's sled for them as we heard them shout,  "just one more time, Daddy"!
... and we didn't think the picture would take! "I want the Frisbee".
" No, I want the Frisbee"!
What an awesome sight to see the herd playing Frisbee!

                                  "Who wants treats"?                 Part of the gang warming up fireside.


K-9 Kingdom Grand Opening

Sep '03

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Fish Festival
June 15th

What an absolutely gorgeous day for a parade! The sky was beautiful and there was a nice breeze coming off of the lake.  Unfortunately, we did not bring a trophy home :( Some of the trophies went to 1) most patriotic (a girls baton unit whose uniforms were red, white and blue), 2) best motorcycle unit, 3) best clown, 4) best baton unit, 5) best of parade (taken by Lorain firefighters), 6) most grandchildren, etc. The last one was actually called something else, but they made a big ordeal of him having the most grandchildren by having 25. As you can see by the categories there wasn't many categories we could have placed in.

Blossom Parade in Chagrin Falls
May 25th

The crowd was just enormous with a record-setting 40,000+ in attendance.  The weather was perfect for a parade in the low 60s and mostly sunny.  Then off to Yours Truly Restaurant on their patio for lunch and resting our weary feet.  And of course we had to visit the famous Popcorn Shop overlooking the falls for ice cream.  Then off to the carnival with the kids running from ride-to-ride while we sat comfortably in the Gazebo munching on Elephant Ears  and enjoying the many hugs and belly rubs you come to expect from these events.
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Akron Aero's Pet Day at Canal Park
April 13th

Fans make it a dog day afternoon at Canal Park.  They came in all sizes, plenty of colors and with lots of bark. Bring Your Pet Day at Canal Park proved a popular promotion Sunday, sponsored by the Humane Society of Greater Akron.

You could hear them before the game, sticking their heads out of car windows barking as their owners drove by looking for a place to park. As dog-loving fans lined up by the hundreds to get in the gates, some of the pets quietly made friends, while others just barked as if in a chorus.

55 degrees and sunny, and 2 seats per person (had to make room for the newfs to stretch out) <vbg>!  We had our pictures taken with some of the ball players and the Akron Alliance Newspaper  just had to get some close up shots of the newfs standing on their hind legs so the kids could reach them for a pat on the head.  And some of the neighbors got to meet Orbit, the Aeros' mascot (meow!).

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Pebbles Kissing Orbit the Mascot

St. Patrick's Day Parade
Youngstown, OH
March 17th

Once again, we had great weather, 67 degrees and sunny! Newf Neighborhood joined up with the Penn-Ohio Newfoundland Club having a grand time marching to the beat of "Who Let The Dogs Out" and "Atomic Dog".  As usual, the newfies magnetically attracted every child of every age.  The puppies were a definite hit!!  Afterwards, we were spoiled rotten at the Salty Grogg Restaurant on the large, awning-covered deck.  Dino and Pebs were amongst some very happy newfs to have a lean ground burger cooked to order and served on paper plates, while us humans listened to the juke box with our feet up and enjoyed the entertainment of others playing bocce ball. 

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Mill Stream Run

Our first gathering of the new year!!  And as usual, Newf Neighborhood was very lucky in the weather department with sunshine galore!  The neighbors enjoyed the smell of wood burning fire places, live music, and the screams of people on the toboggan chutes!!  The newfies were a bit surprised that a dog was bigger than them (we didn't tell them it was a reindeer-lol).  Well, this gathering's "puppy" is Abbey who proudly owns Dan! Our last "puppy" was Sam, who now at 10 months old is unbelievelably HUGE!!  Then it was off to the Marriott for lunch/dinner.  We were all very pleased with the surprise of personalized menu's and our newfies certainly enjoyed not having to sit in our vehicles while we were in a "restaurant", but enjoy us tableside.  The food was fabulous with Prime Rib, Salmon, Grilled Chicken, Pasta, mashed potatoes, veggies, salad, bread, butter, chocolate mousse with large scrumptious blackberries and blueberries for dessert .  And, to top it off, as we were leaving the hotel we met a couple from Newfoundland in the hotel lobby. 

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The neighbors just starting to settle in. Now the neighbors are loosening up... Dan! Group Photo
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Dino giving Bonnie a hug!
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Rich and (puppy) Sam! Personalized Marriott Menu Abby, the puppy!
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Neighbors at the Marriott. Callie catching food her mommy (accidentally) drops. More neighbors at the Marriott.
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Abby's first venture out with the Neighbors, totally exhausted from all the fun kept one eye open for any possibility of food falling :)

Pet Palooza
Oct 12, 2002

just starting to post, more to come...

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Pet Palooza
May 16th

We got rained out for Saturday, but Sunday turned out to be a nice sunny day.  Paws and ears were trimmed, mats disappeared, and prizes were won for several contests. 
We raised $90 for rescue as well.  The Newf Cookies once again were a great hit!!
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Ice Festival
Chagrin Falls
Feb '04

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A little chilly, but we certainly had a grand time and a nice turnout of newfies.  I just couldn't BELIEVE when I saw Cheryl and Jim walking up with these 2 GIANTS.  I swear they rented a couple newfs for the day trying to pass them off as Archie and Roxie.  OMG, Archie is only 10 months old and has gotta weight 170 lbs, no exagerating!!!!!!  He's gonna be a BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG BOY (lol).  I can't believe this past July they were in my arms <vbg>. And Tuc, the pup of the day.  What a Q-T!!!  When all the newfs saw a husky approaching, Wooley started the alert, then with Zeus and Dino chiming in, Starbuck's was a rockin'.  Then all were quiet, and 11 week old Tuc peaks his head around Zeus, looks at the husky, tilts his head then starts woo-wooing!!!! LMBO... He's a fast learner!  People were approaching us all day with the usual, How Cute, How Big, How much do they eat, yadda yadda yadda.  But the best was a woman who asked if the Landseers were a purebreed, when I replied yes, she marked (with a straight face), "So, they're mixed with Sheep"?  I swear my bladder did not hold up at that comment!!!!  I fell asleep later that night still laughing at that comment.  The second best memory of the day was a woman commenting on Dino being Josh's cousin (shows ya just how much she knows about newfs <vbg>), just when I was explaining how much hair and care Newfs need, Pebbles shakes her head with 2 foot long shoe strings and there flies the drool on the woman's sleeve.  LOL, she didn't care to hear much more about the breed after that one (way to go Pebs!). It was great to meet some newcomers and see long-time neighbors break away from the season's hibernation.
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Ice Festival
Chagrin Falls
Feb '05

A special Thank You to the Newton family for the great photos!

A little chilly, but we certainly had a grand time and a nice turnout of newfies.  People were approaching us all day with the usual, How Cute, How Big, How much do they eat, yadda yadda yadda.  It was great to meet some newcomers and see long-time neighbors break away from the season's hybernation.  What a pleasant surprise to see some recent adopted rescue newfs show up with their new(f)ly adopted families. We had a GRAND time warming up at the Chagrin Valley Restaurant afterward for an early dinner with our newfs sleeping at our feet.  The food was in abundance (the asiago-stuffed olives were awesome!) and the waitress did a great job of shuffling between the newfs laying at our feet.
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To see more photos, visit www.photosite.com (coming soon)

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Attendance at any gathering is at the sole risk of each individual.  Your Newfs must be current on all vaccines, on a leash and under control at all times.  Newf Neighborhood, its affiliates, founder, members, or any other parties are not responsible for any incident or injury to persons or property other than their own.  Each individual is responsible for their own property including pets and cannot impose liability to Newf Neighborhood, its founder, affiliates or other members.  By attending any of our events, you agree to these terms.

Contents of this site, except where otherwise indicated, are Copyright © 2000-2013 Newf Neighborhood.   All rights reserved.
Permission has been granted for the images contained within this site.   Copying of any part of this site is strictly prohibited.  A special thank you to Baha Men for their song!
Revised: 07/18/2015
Contact the  webmaster if you experience any problems with the site.