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Like the neighborhood logo?  I have expanded the line of apparel for you and your newfies.
Sweatshirts Oxfords
Bumper/Window Stickers Iron-On Transfers

FREE shipping & handling on all orders.*

Drool Towel has a great look and feel...

Made of high quality soft absorbent two-ply velour for  drying the wettest of mouths. This hand-embroidered, fringed Drool Towel was specially sized for Newfs at a whopping 17 x 26 inches.  Includes corner grommet and hook for your convenience.

US$14.95 Includes Shipping & Handling*

Embroidered Logo Patch $10
Enjoy the many vibrant colors of this embroidered patch by
sewing or glueing (heck, safety pin it on -lol) on your favorite shirt!!

Bumper/Window Sticker $6
(.4 ml weather-resistant self-adhesive)

Apply to clean, dry outside surface!

The Classic Oxford in 100% pure, soft cotton!   They have been washed in enzyme to achieve a unique quality of color shading intentionally added to the character of the garment.  It will mellow with repeated washing and wearing.  Since these shirts are pre-shrunk you do not have to wash them before you embellish the item.  The buttons are wood-tone (two extra buttons with every shirt) and the detailing is done with double needle stitching. $49.95




Newf Neighborhood Logo Embroidered 
on a 100% Pure, Soft Cotton Sweatshirt.  So comfy and cozy, the inside is almost (I said, almost) as furry as your newfy.  You will love the superb detail to the brilliant colors of the logo!

Want to create your own masterpiece?

Then click below for your FREE PDF* and you can print out on transfer paper.
(see application directions below)

click here

click here

* You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print this file.  If you do not have this FREE software, click below:
Get Acrobat Reader

With free Acrobat Reader® software, you can view and print Adobe PDF files.

It displays backwards (mirror image) so that it comes out facing the right way when you iron it on!  Remember, the white does not show up on the item your ironing it on, so I recommend to choose a light color such as white or grey (if you choose a black garment, the Sky and Street Name would be in black and you would not be able to see it).

    Directions for applying transfers:

  1. Do not use an ironing board, use a pillowcase, fold it once in half and place it onto a glass or formica top only.  Make certain the pillowcase is smooth and free of wrinkles.
  2. Set your iron for the hottest setting and pre-heat for 8 minutes.
  3. Cut away excess (unprinted) portion of the transfer paper.
  4. Place garment on pillowcase, making certain entire area to receive transfer is resting squarely over the wrinkle-free pillowcase.
  5. Center transfer, printed side DOWN onto the garment (making certain all four edges are also over the pillowcase).
  6. Be absolutely certain that the iron covers all edges and corners using medium pressure for at least 30 seconds (moving it in small circles to keep from scorching the fabric).
  7. Transfer must be removed while HOT.
  8. Begin in one corner and peel transfer from fabric using firm, steady pressure, PEEL WHILE HOT
  9. Gently smooth the fabric with your hands and allow to cool for at least 2 minutes.

How to Wash:

  1. Turn garment inside out
  2. Do Not use bleach
  3. Wash in cool/warm water
  4. Dry at cool setting
  5. Do Not re-iron surface

*Orders outside the Continental United States may be subject to shipping/handling charges.  
You will be notified of any additional amount upon receipt of your order.
We do not sell or give away any information you supply.

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Attendance at any gathering is at the sole risk of each individual.  Your Newfs must be current on all vaccines, on a leash and under control at all times.  Newf Neighborhood, its affiliates, founder, members, or any other parties are not responsible for any incident or injury to persons or property other than their own.  Each individual is responsible for their own property including pets and cannot impose liability to Newf Neighborhood, its founder, affiliates or other members.  By attending any of our events, you agree to these terms.

Contents of this site, except where otherwise indicated, are Copyright © 2000-2013 Newf Neighborhood.   All rights reserved.
Permission has been granted for the images contained within this site.   Copying of any part of this site is strictly prohibited.  A special thank you to Baha Men for their song!
Revised: 07/18/2015
Contact the  webmaster if you experience any problems with the site.